ACTS Method

Many believers have found the A.C.T.S. method for prayer helpful. This acronym is based on Jesus’ prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 and contains four pieces that are essential to prayer: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication.

Praise God for who He is & what He has done.
Be honest before God about the sin in your life. Acknowledge the ways that you have sinned against God and others with your thoughts, words, and actions.
Thank God for what He has done in your life and in the lives of others.
Ask God for specific requests and trust that He will answer your requests according to His will, not our own.

Prayer Spotlight

Each day, we want our church to come together and lift up a specific request to God.
  • Pray for our IBCD staff and volunteers.
  • Pray for our Teachers as they prepare to share each Sunday what God has laid on their hearts.
  • Lift up prayers in the fight against spiritual warfare.
  • Intercede for the Wittmann family as they journey through October.
  • Seek blessings for our collaborative relationships.
  • Offer prayers for newcomers in our congregation.
  • Ask for divine guidance in understanding God's plans for IBCD.
  • Pray for the salvation of a sister in our community.
  • Extend prayers for a brother who has been distant from the church.
  • Express gratitude for a brother who has found a new path in life.
  • Support a sister in prayer as she embarks on a new chapter (new location, employment authorization).
  • Request divine provision for a sister facing financial difficulties.
  • Uphold a married couple in prayer for the strength of their union.
  • Give thanks for a brother who is growing in his faith journey.
  • Pray for the mending of relationships between two specific families.
  • Bring up a brother in prayer who has ceased attending services.
  • Pray for a brother whose conduct at church isn't aligned with Scripture.
  • Intercede for individuals who are practicing other faiths.
  • Offer prayers for expectant mothers.
  • Send healing thoughts in prayer for the unwell.
  • Seek protection for those who are on the road.
  • Lift up the Good family in your prayers.
  • Pray for the well-being of those who have departed from our church community.

Pro Tip

One of the most difficult prayers we make is for the person who has hurt us.  Think of one person that you need to pray for who may have caused your pain.  Allow God to change your heart and mind concerning this person in order to bring you peace out of  a difficult relationship.
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